If you feel like you've been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders... it's time to let it go.
Before you start reading I want you to take a HUUUGE breath in and as you let it out, shake the weight off your shoulders and move your head side to side, forward and back.
Repeat as many times as necessary ;).
In 2018 I felt a very heavy weight on my shoulders all year. Personally, I let go of it around July but it took an extra 4-5 months for everything else to be resolved.
I was in fight or flight mode for a very lengthy period. I'm now feeling much lighter and it's time to get my shoulders back to their happy and relaxed selves. So whilst I do that, I'd love to help anyone going through something similar.
Emotional weight becomes physical weight.
This might manifest into the feeling of 'weight on your shoulders', excess weight on your body or a heavy chest.
We need to get to the root of it. We need to understand where it's stemming from. #nature
If it's obvious, great. If it's not? Journal. Keep writing until you see the answer on the paper before you.
Is it past or present? Can we let it go? Can we ask for help to share the load?
I was very aware of where mine was stemming from. Unfortunately there were quite a few steps in between noticing and resolving it - and there often is, so the quicker we can identify it the better!
It really should be as simple as deciding to LET GO and then LETTING GO. And it is. But here's a great book that goes into further detail. A book I highly recommend. Letting Go by David Hawkins.
Once you have eliminated any emotional weight from the equation, it's important to give back to your body and do everything you can to remove yourself from a fight or flight state.
When we are in protection mode, our muscles tense and our breathing becomes shallow and rapid. It's time to do the opposite. Deep breathing and more stretching!
Hop in front of your Get Bendy Poster and give back to the body that has been supporting you!
I'd also love for you to download and print Get Clear.
It's a checklist I created after learning to navigate feelings of anxiety and stress for many years.
My personal rule is that I'm not allowed to entertain uneasy or anxious feelings until I've ticked everything off.
Note: I usually feel 95x better simply after exercising... and that's only the third thing on the list!
Strength and flexibility go hand in hand. We need a happy balance of both.
I love weight training at the gym because it makes me feel strong physically as well as mentally.
However, due to my shoulders being so tight (and lack of education) I have been incorrectly activating my back in a number of exercises.
I decided to book in with a personal trainer to address this issue and learn how and where to activate. You can watch that video over on my @ellefitactive Instagram
No amount of stretching or massage can solve the cause of our stress response, we need to address that first.
I hope these tips can help you. I would love for you to feel as light as a feather. And you can! It's how we arrived here and it's how we should stay.
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Elle :)
This was great and perfect timing. Thanks love
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